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Tax Incentive Schemes

Home Taxation Services Tax Incentive Schemes

Tax incentive schemes can save money or raise money but deciding which is appropriate for you or your business can be complicated. Find out what you are eligible for and make the most of the reliefs on offer.


Your tax incentive scheme applications

We help our clients to thrive and effectively make use of the most appropriate tax incentive scheme.

There are various tax incentive schemes available, but it can be difficult to understand the rules and identify the nuances within them. We help our clients determine their eligibility for each tax incentive scheme and explain the impact it is likely to have on their business.

We assist both businesses and individuals alike, whether they are looking to raise funds under a tax incentive scheme or looking to invest in a business to obtain tax relief.

Why choose Samuels?

We know how important your business is. Let us support you in achieving your goals.

  • Boost Cashflow

    Use the available incentives to your advantage

  • Determine Eligibility

    Save time researching and get straight-forward answers

  • Understand Implications

    Determine the impact on your business

  • Attract Investors

    Make investing in your business even more appealing

  • HMRC Applications

    Submit statutory applications efficiently without stress

  • Stay Compliant

    Run your business confidently and without worry


Helping your business thrive

We can help you identify which tax incentive schemes are most appropriate for you and ensure you are making the most of the reliefs on offer. We can also advise on the timing of your applications to benefit your cash-flow position and advise on compliance to ensure you do not fall foul of the relevant statutory rules.

Some tax incentive schemes which you could be eligible for include:

  • Research and Development (R&D) tax reliefs
  • Patent box tax relief
  • Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS)
  • Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)
  • Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR)
  • Venture Capital Trust (VCT)
  • Capital expenditure allowances

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