01732 742089


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Workplace Pensions

The law on workplace pensions has changed to encourage people to save for their retirement. As an employer, this affects you. This may seem daunting, but we are able to advise and guide you through your responsibilities under the legislation to ensure your business is compliant. Our experience in this area will make this a simple process for you.


Your workplace pension needs

Under the Pensions Act 2008, employers are required to enrol certain employees into a workplace pension and make contributions to it. This is called Auto Enrolment. There are legal duties that apply.

The chosen pension scheme must be compliant with the legislation and declarations must be submitted to The Pensions Regulator.

We help employers meet their obligations to enrol such employees into a pension scheme and advise them on any contributions due.

We can upload your contribution information to your pension provider to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Why choose Samuels?

We can administer your workplace pension, freeing up your valuable time.

  • Made easy for you

    We manage your pension so you don't have to

  • Stay Compliant

    Compliance with legislation and The Pensions Regulator

  • Calculate Contributions

    Notify you and the pension provider of contributions due

  • Continual Monitoring

    Continually assessing and enrolling eligible employees

  • Keep you Informed

    Notify you every pay period

  • Avoid Penalties

    No body wants these!

Our approach

What we can do for you

  • Identify how the Auto Enrolment legislation affects your business.
  • An Independent Financial Advisor can determine which pension scheme is most appropriate for your business.
  • Establish your chosen pension scheme.
  • Assess which employees need to be automatically enrolled.
  • Provide any legally required documentation to your employees.
  • Register your business and submit declarations of compliance to The Pensions Regulator and retain records.
  • Continually assess employees to ensure staff are enrolled.
  • Calculate contributions and notify the pension provider.
  • Re-enrol eligible employees every three years, who may have opted out.
  • Avoid penalties for failure to comply with the legislation.

We are here to help you every step of the way to make sure you fulfil your duties under the regulations.


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